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My Financial Mis-Education

My childhood set the stage and grad school ruined me.

Lessons of Parenthood

Reflecting on how my short time as a mother has influenced my teaching.

Digital Humanities Resources, Part 1: Organizations and Coding

Interested in getting started in the Digital Humanities? Here are some places to start.

Not at the MLA But Still Engaged

Even thought I wasn't in Seattle, I was able to still engage, learn, and participate.

More on the Importance of Tenure

Same tired arguments against tenure. I have a slightly different response. Hint: it's about the money.

Bad Female Academic: Child-Like

I'm not innocent, naive, or in need of protection. Why does that mean I also need to be cynical and pessimistic?

If You Tweet It … Happy 2012!

What happens when you tweet out what you want from the world, and it happens!

My Night with Christopher Hitchens

I spent one night having drinks with the late Christopher Hitchens, and it was a night I'll never forget.