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Would-Be Disruptor Shifts Gears

A plan to create an accreditor for online programs adopts a new model: free MOOCs to help students earn placement credit.

Multiple Personalities, Disorder

Researchers at Harvard U and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology find a uniquely MOOC way of cheating.

Establishment Goes Alternative

Seven major universities plan to create the University Learning Store, a joint web portal for microcredentials, featuring online content, assessments and tutoring.

Change, but How Substantive?

Arizona State U's accreditor has yet to review the institution's "MOOCs for credit" initiative. Experts are unsure what such a review might bring.

MOOCs for (a Year's) Credit

Arizona State U, in partnership with edX, will award a freshman year's worth of academic credit through massive open online courses.

Surveying the MOOC Landscape

An updated study of massive open online courses from Harvard U. and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology finds diverse learner populations and interests -- and the need for more research.

Specializations, Specialized

Massive open online course provider Coursera adds corporate partners to its course sequences and says it has found a business model.

Have MOOCs Helped or Hurt?

Randy Best writes that, despite all the hype, the massive course trend may be more faddish than influential.