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Flexible Policies, Unchanged Practice

More medical schools offer better-balanced work-life policies to faculty, new study finds, but few actually use them.

Medical Residents Ruled Employees

Supreme Court ruling backs Treasury Department against hospital and U. of Minnesota, saying doctors-in-training are subject to payroll taxes.

Medical Schools Slowly Grow

First-year enrollment gains a bit over all at U.S. institutions, with numbers most dramatic for underrepresented minorities.

Medical Education, Steeped in Tradition

Commemorating 100th anniversary of a transformational report, medical educators, doctors and others explore potential changes in how doctors are trained.

Questioning Foreign Medical Schools

WASHINGTON -- Just as Congress ratchets up its scrutiny of for-profit higher education as a whole, the body’s investigative arm...

Personalizing the M.D.

A hundred years after the release of the Flexner Report, which set many of the standards that still guide North...

High Court to Hear Tax Case

WASHINGTON -- A nearly 20-year-old legal dispute over whether medical residents are students or workers, for payroll tax purposes, is...

Health Care From All Disciplines

Jim Yong Kim hasn’t been quiet about his desire to change how health care works in the United States and...