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The Pulse: The Blackboard Ultra (Conversion) Experience

This month's edition of the Pulse podcast features a look at a university's conversion from one version of Blackboard's learning management system to another.

Overcoming Professors' Skepticism About Digital Accessibility

Faculty members often worry that making digital courses accessible to all students will be too time-consuming or expensive -- but some of their colleagues want to convince them otherwise.

Clear-Eyed Analysis of OER Impact

Project to drive community colleges' use of open educational resources lowered student spending (even using a more conservative formula to judge those costs). But student awareness of the courses remains limited, and the path to sustainability is unclear.

Online Education Is a Disability Rights Issue

It is time to destigmatize and expand online learning opportunities for college students with disabilities, Brittany Collins argues.

Outrage Over University's $999 Online Textbook

An online textbook priced at almost $1,000 has infuriated students trying to navigate an already confusing textbook marketplace, but Louisiana-Lafayette officials insist they had "good intentions."

Mapping the Academic Genome

Technology is enabling the rise of precision academics in higher education, writes Myk Garn, who describes the game-changing potential of mapping and coding the academic genome.

Who Owns Faculty Work at Purdue Global?

AAUP releases a nondisclosure agreement professors must sign that appears to bar them from sharing much of anything or criticizing the program after they leave.

‘A New U: Faster + Cheaper Alternatives to College’

A Q&A with Ryan Craig, investor and author of a new book about the changing landscape for education and training credentials and the implications for traditional higher education.