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Whites, Asians Need Not Apply

Many colleges want more ethnically and racially diverse faculty members. But should searches be limited to underrepresented groups? One university just tried.

Does Divestment Cost?

Opposing reports this year offer colleges and universities mixed views on financial impact of selling holdings in fossil fuels.

Climbing Wall Convert

Richard Petrick used to scoff at colleges spending on recreational facilities. Then he started to visit them.

Turn Off the Spigot

As California’s drought grows more severe, colleges across the state are stepping up their water conservation efforts.

Juno on Campus

Photography from campuses as they experienced the blizzard.

Room to Experiment

Can active learning techniques and flexible classroom seating improve student outcomes? Research at Ball State University has produced mixed results.

Government Blasts Energy Divestment

An Australian university's decision to dump $16 million in investments in fossil fuel companies has drawn the wrath of the country's prime minister.

Grow Your Own

Colleges in Pennsylvania teach students about sustainable agriculture and keep the coffee brewing.