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- Michael P. Godard, interim provost and chief learning officer at the University of Central Missouri, has been selected as provost at Southeast Missouri State University.
- Tom Jackson Jr., president of Black Hills State University, in South Dakota, has been named president of Humboldt State University, in California.
- Lynn Mahoney, provost and vice president for academic affairs for California State University at Los Angeles, has been chosen as president of San Francisco State University, also in California.
- Jason Osborne, associate provost and dean of the Graduate School at Clemson University, in South Carolina, has been appointed provost and executive vice president for academic affairs at Miami University, in Ohio.
- Father David Pivonka, director of Franciscan Pathways, has been selected as president of Franciscan University of Steubenville, in Ohio.
- John R. Porter, vice president of services for Gulf Business Machines, in Dubai, has been chosen as president of Lindenwood University, in Missouri.
- C. Shane Reese, dean of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at Brigham Young University, in Utah, has been promoted to academic vice president there.
- Amy Rell, dean for the Office of Global Education at Regis University, in Colorado, has been chosen as provost at the College for Financial Planning, also in Colorado.
- Dwight C. Watson, provost and vice president of academic and student affairs at Southwest Minnesota State University, has been named chancellor of the University of Wisconsin Whitewater.
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