The Sandbox (Live!) | Trustees: Can’t Live with ‘Em (But Have to)

Discover methods for building and sustaining a great working relationship with your governing board.

Insider Exclusive Webcast | Conversation With Rick Staisloff on Building a More Sustainable Future

Learn how senior campus leaders can build a more sustainable future for their institutions.

Insider Exclusive Coffee Break Webcast | Case Study in Academic Freedom: Hamline University

Issues about religion and academic freedom remain a tough balancing act for higher education. In this special Insider Coffee Break webcast, attendees will learn about why and how one university has been engrossed in an academic freedom debate.

Looking Ahead to 2023

Attend this special Insider webcast to get an in-depth roundup of the pressing issues likely to define higher education in 2023.

What the Supreme Court Asked on Affirmative Action

Join Inside Higher Ed Editors Scott Jaschik and Doug Lederman, on Nov. 1, at noon ET, for a special Insider webcast to hear their take on the court's questions and interactions during these oral arguments.

The Developing Picture of Higher Ed's Fall Enrollment

Join Inside Higher Ed Editors Scott Jaschik and Doug Lederman to explore initial higher ed application and acceptance rates, along with early and broad enrollment projections for this coming fall. 

An Insider’s Look at Harvard’s Handling of Faculty Sexual Misconduct

With Inside Higher Ed’s Reporter Colleen Flaherty and Editor Scott Jaschik. We launch this new member benefit with Inside Higher Ed’s Colleen...

The Future of Affirmative Action

The Supreme Court recently agreed to hear two appeals cases about the use of affirmative action in college admissions. In this live, exclusive...