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Career Coach: No Woman Is an Island, Part 2

Since the incident I wrote about last week, in which I failed to stand up for my fellow women, I...

Math Geek Mom: What Shall We Call Ourselves?

I guess we made the “big time” when this blog was criticized by the Wall Street Journal a few weeks...

ABC's and Ph.D.'s: Wheels on the bus

With summer vacation comes a flurry of activities to keep children occupied. We’re blessed in our community with all kinds...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Whose Responsibility?

Traveling and teaching in England this summer I've had a remarkable release from childcare responsibilities. Part of it is that...

Career Coach: No Woman Is an Island, Part 1

I interned at a VA medical center in the early 1990s. In some ways, the experience was a glimpse into...

Math Geek Mom: Indifference Curves

There is a concept in economics called “indifference curves”. These are a graphical picture of combinations of goods that would...

Motherhood After Tenure: the value of collaboration

As I plan the upcoming semester’s courses, I contemplate the oft-emailed articles about the “millennial generation” students. I’m skeptical of...

ABC's and PhD's: Balancing husband and computer along with family and work

Weekend evenings in July a professional team of actors perform a Shakespeare play on a stage plunked in the middle...