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Long Distance Mom: College Roommates

A lot can be said about the ‘challenges’ of Facebook, but one of the great things about social media is...

ABC's and PhD's: Thanksgiving reflections

We celebrated Thanksgiving here in Canada not long ago, and I spent the holiday weekend in deep contemplation and reflection...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Parents' Weekend from the other side

When we dropped Mariah off at college this fall we didn't really think we'd see her before Thanksgiving. The drive...

Career Coach: Gender and Book Reviews

One of my clients has written a book that is about to be published. It is an excellent book --...

Math Geek Mom: Women in Science and Math

A long time ago, in a college that now seems to be a galaxy far, far away, I started my...

Motherhood After Tenure: furloughs and invisible work

In the last couple of months, my husband and I were both “furloughed”: we were each informed by our respective...

Mothering at Mid-Career: My take on "Opting Out"

Dana Campbell came at the new census data on "opting out" last week from a rather different perspective than mine...

Career Coach: Student Reactions and Gender

Reader Tekbek sent this article from ASEE Prism describing a study that examined students’ reactions to stereotypically “male” and “female”...