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Confronting Salary Inequity

C.K. Gunsalus offers advice to a senior faculty member who finds herself with excellent evaluations -- and a lower salary than her male colleagues.

That Shocking Time of Year

Teresa Mangum considers the options when you've reached the end of May, and you don't have a good offer.

Non-Academic Interviews

Christine Kelly offers advice on how to act naturally as you shift career paths.

Preparing for the Non-Academic Interview

In the first of a two-part essay, Christine Kelly reviews the stereotypes and key questions a Ph.D. will face, and how to overcome them.

Teaching or Tanning?

Rob Weir considers the ins and outs of teaching in the summer.

The Long Look Back

Russell Olwell considers the process and benefits of applying to become a full professor.

Creating a Research Agenda

Graduate students need to make strategic decisions about courses, professors and opportunities, write Justin Reedy and Madhavi Murty.

Gay in the Academy

Finding a faculty job as a gay person, writes one who has done so, means asking the right questions, recognizing red flags, accepting that locations may not be ideal, and expecting the bizarre.