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The First Class After the Bombs

Susannah Clark wasn't sure how to help her students make sense of the Boston Marathon bombings -- but one of them bailed her out.

Running a Teaching Postdoc

It's not enough to bring a new Ph.D. to campus and say "teach," writes Gary DeCoker. These young academics need a real plan and real mentors.

Listening to the Wrong People

When new presidents take office, they need to make judgments based on good information, or they will get rid of those they may most need, writes Tara M. Samuels.

CIO Succession Planning

With a wave of retirements approaching, higher education needs to consider how to prepare the next generation of technology leaders, write Jerome P. DeSanto and Robyn L. Dickinson.

Successful and Unemployed

Todd K. Platts finished his Ph.D., started publishing and earned good teaching reviews. Why is a job impossible to find?

Why Sparkleponies Matter

Cheryl E. Ball explains how a recent online debate missed truly important issues about mentorship.

Networks and the STEM Gender Gap

Colleges and universities can't leave it to chance -- they must deliberately change a culture that often encourages female researchers to become isolated in their jobs, write Santa Ono and Valerie Gray Hardcastle.

Facing Tenure Rejection

Trish Roberts-Miller shares what she wishes she had understood at a difficult point in her career.