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‘Higher Ed Heroes’ and their water-cooler chats about teaching

We speak to the academics behind the podcast ‘Higher Ed Heroes’ about why informal corridor conversations can be the best way for teachers to share classroom tips, advice and success stories

What does it mean to decolonize a library?

Find out what is involved in decolonizing a library from the editors of a book drawing together global perspectives on the subject

Behind two of our most-read resources on diversity statements and student well-being

We speak to the authors behind two of the most popular resources of 2021, focused on drafting diversity statements and teaching practices that support student well-being, to find out what shaped their advice

What came next: THE Awards winners 2020 podcast special

Hear from some of the winners of last year’s THE awards about the projects and initiatives which saw them recognized as the best in UK higher education and how these have developed since 2020

How NYU and the University of São Paulo are thinking about climate change

Ahead of COP26, leaders at NYU and São Paulo spoke with us about how universities can be leaders in tackling the climate crisis and what they hope the summit achieves

The big ideas behind microcredentials

Two experts in flexible learning programs discuss the evolution and adoption of alternative teaching models and credentials in higher education

Bridging higher education’s new digital divide

Lauren Herckis from Carnegie Mellon University discusses her research into the new digital divide in ed-tech knowledge and pedagogical training among faculty and how universities can work to fill it

What’s needed to successfully scale higher education?

How can universities meet the growing global demand for higher education, increasing access to a wider pool of students while maintaining the quality of their teaching and learning?