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Computer keyboard keys float in the air against a white background, disconnected from one another, spelling out “COPY” and “PASTE.”

A New Way to Think About Plagiarism

To figure out whether an accusation of plagiarism is serious, apply the counterfactual test, Garrett Pendergraft writes.

A green number 2 pencil lies atop a multiple choice answer sheet with some bubbles filled in.

In Return to Tests, Don’t Forgo Disability Equity

As colleges reinstate standardized testing requirements, they must consider students with learning disabilities, Dwight Richardson Kelly writes.

The cover of the book “Is College Worth It?” featuring an oversized orange question mark against a navy blue background.

Is College Worth It?

David Wippman and Glenn C. Altschuler review a new book taking on the “myth” of the college wage premium.

Paper money falls from the sky against a charcoal grey background.

We Should Rethink Performance-Based Funding

States should provide upfront funding for colleges to invest in proven strategies to meet completion goals, Charles Ansell writes.

A graphic depiction of a job application with blank text against a teal background.

Why I’m a Convert to Diversity Statements

Diversity statements proved surprisingly helpful to our red-state university search committee, Suzanne Penuel writes.

The eight-columned rotunda surrounding the “Old Well” at the university of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campus.

Sometimes the Right Is Right

Universities should work with right-leaning critics who want to strengthen academia’s distinctive culture, Jenna Silber Storey and Benjamin Storey write.

A group of six college students sits on the floor in a living room/common area having what appears to be an engaged, supportive discussion.

In Admissions and on Campus, a More Self-Aware, Self-Compassionate Student Body

Applicants and current students alike are increasingly comfortable talking about their mental health—and that’s something to celebrate, Lisa Kaenzig and Melanie Sage write.

A picture of the tall clock tower at the University of Texas at Austin

DEI Isn’t Scary; Political Purges Are

Layoffs of dozens of employees who previously held DEI-related roles at UT Austin leave students and the state worse off, Ryan A. Miller writes.