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Fly a kite -- GO!!

Cargill isn't just an agricultural products company, it's also a shipping company. (Shipping, I suspect, mostly agricultural products.) Today it...

Our Carbonite Cloud Future

A company and service that I really like is Carbonite and its online backup service. I am actually a Carbonite...


(Filed from the conference of The League for Innovation in the Community College, in a surprisingly chilly San Diego.) I...

Save Academic Freedom

If the AAUP wants to protect faculty rights, it's time for it to take stands against misconduct in the profession, write Erin O’Connor and Maurice Black.

2-Year Interview Questions - I

Eric Baer shares questions asked of those seeking to teach at community colleges.

'Intelligence' on an iPad

The last TV series that I sat and watched all the episodes straight through was the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's (CBC)...

12 Views on Work/Life Balance

How do you balance work and life? This month's question comes from Afshan Jafar. Ana Dinescu (Berlin, Germany): It is...


Part of what attracted me to higher education in the first place and still attracts me is the shared governance...