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An Ignored Conflict of Interest

Faculty members and their expertise need to be central to curricular review, but with checks and balances related to self-interests of departments, which may not reflect students' interests, write Alexandra W. Logue and Ian Shrank.

The 'Revise and Resubmit'

Michael S. Harris offers advice on how to handle a key part of the publishing process.

Economics of Higher Education

Early in my career, I had the pleasure of team teaching a course on the Economics of Higher Education with then Hofstra President Robert Payton.

Finding the Middle Ground

Avoiding extreme choices -- and tragedies.

Friday Fragments

Baumol’s cost disease, Trump, the move back to Jersey.

The Salaita Case, One Year Later

Michael Rothberg considers the lines from Gaza to social media to Illinois -- and their implications for university governance.

Lessons of the Salaita Affair

When departments hire outside their areas of expertise, criticism can be no surprise, writes Cary Nelson.