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My McSweeney's/Education Story

Two of the most meaningful things in my life are more similar than I ever thought.

The CEO Is the Difference

Colleges -- especially those facing major financial difficulties -- need leaders who can craft a vision as well as carry it out, write Yoram and Edith Neumann.

Motor City, Rusting

The 18th century saw the rise of a taste for crumbling architecture and beautiful ruins. Scott McLemee looks at a study of the contemporary equivalent.

Buying Blackboard, Redux

Blackboard is for sale, again. Let the speculation begin!

Do You Know Your Brand Architecture?

The first decision an institution must make when defining brand architecture is: are we a branded house or a house of brands?

Would It Be So Bad If We All Went Under?

Kate Blanchard wonders if what higher education truly needs is a fresh start -- even if that means the end of institutions that many revere.

The Opposite of Hope Isn't Despair

I have very few hopes for the future of higher education, and yet, I don't despair.