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Tech and Individualized Learning?

The comments to my 2/11 blog post on "learning styles and tuition dollars" were really great. Commentators really took me...

I have seen the face of evil . . .

. . . and it is, in truth, apparently banal. Oh, it's kind of new-tech, in a 21st century social-networking-becomes-social-engineering...

Hedge Your Bets

Kerry Ann Rockquemore doesn't want you to place all of your eggs in one institutional basket.

How Much Is Enough?

Colleges are still being too cautious about using their endowments, write Burton A. Weisbrod and Evelyn D. Asch.

The Toxic Workplace Test

I've come up with a one-question quiz to determine whether your workplace is toxic. 1. When Smith attacks Jones in...

A tuition rate only an economist could love

A major story in last Tuesday’s Inside Higher Ed was that Middlebury College “will plan its budgets each year by...

School at $30 an Hour

This past week our kids spent a day at the Killington Superstars ski and snowboard program. $180 for six hours...

What Constitutes a Safe World?

Thanks to everyone who commented on last week’s post. As always, every comment made me think. I’m especially grateful to...