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Wednesday Wonder Cabinet

I was just wondering about interesting new ways Google Maps might be integrated into narratives. Now how about taking an...

Dentist? Nooo...

This piece on fiscal exigency and tenure got me thinking about an unexpected call I got about fifteen years ago...

ABCs and PhD's: Bah, humbug?

The Olympics have just left town. Although we’re collectively gearing up for the Paralympics in a couple of weeks, the...

People of the Book

The Jewish Review of Books has been launched. Scott McLemee gets all verklempt.

To Write, Draw

Rob Weir shares techniques for teaching writing to students who don't know how to convey ideas.

A Small Idea to Save Newspapers

Charge for the accessories. Create a NYTimes branded iPad and iPhone/Touch case. Make it gorgeous. Work with Apple to have...

Environmental Avatar?

Life is pretty busy right now, both personally and professionally. It's not that I don't have time to write a...

'Design Thinking' and Higher Education

As an advocate for the position that higher education benefits from studying the lessons of business and selectively implementing those...