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Switching Sides

Matt Wasowski, in a corporate role, has been encouraging colleges to embrace technology to teach. Now, he's teaching a course online for the first time himself.

That First, Crummy Job

When changing careers, remember that your dream position may not come for a few years, writes Sabine Hikel.

5 Questions Your Company Must Answer

In a previous post I offered "rules of the road" for companies in preparing and delivering product demos and product...

Math Geek Mom: Humpty Dumpty Studies Venn Diagrams (Or… Please Read this if You Take Anti-Seizure Medicine)

You may have seen what math folks call “Venn Diagrams”. These illustrate sets and subsets using circles that may or...

Motherhood after tenure: feeding our children

Last night I attended a meeting of fiery radicals intent on reforming society at the most basic level: moms at...

You Say You Want a Revolution?

With so many in higher education talking about radical change, pilot programs may lead the way to real reform, says Jeff Abernathy.

Genetic Guilt

The Boy had another swim lesson last night, and it wasn't pretty. As miserable as he was, it all came...

Our V.I.P.'s

Learning technology is an academic leveler. For a learning technologist, the most important attribute is not academic rank or tenure...