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Third Way in Liberal Education

Moving past debates over which works belong in the canon, colleges are finding ways to help students experience the overarching narratives of civilization, writes Dan Edelstein.

Mothering at Mid-Career: Advising, Again

A few months ago I offered some advice to my daughter in this space, about keeping her options open and...

Ask the Administrator: Casting Against Type

A new correspondent writes: I'm wondering if you have any advice for those of us in school in "abstract" or...

The Online Learning Discussion

Lots of discussion going around IHE today about online learning. Steve Kolowich kicked off a discussion about one academic's attempt...

Quit Corporate Boards

College presidents have no business devoting the hours they do to helping run companies, writes Pablo Eisenberg.

Responding to Rejection

When you get negative feedback, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore, analyze it, deal with it (if appropriate) and move on.

Undercover Economics

Given the severity of our current recession, everyone I know has either been touched directly by this economic malaise or...

A Follow-Up on Webinars

In a comment to my post asking why webinars always suck, Dr. Crazy brought up a great point: What's really...