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Bazzled: A Tale in 20 E-mails

You think you've got student affairs issues? Lee Burdette Williams might make you reconsider.

Ask the Administrator: Limiting Letters of Recommendation

A new, but beleaguered, correspondent writes: I'm hoping that you might have some advice on limiting letters of recommendation. I...

On Facebook, Video and Attention

The News Feed on my Facebook account just popped up a notice: "On Leadership: Dartmouth College president and public-health leader...

Guest Review: Understanding Nationalism

*** Review by Okla Elliott The Cognitive Turn in Theory and Cultural Studies: A Review of Understanding Nationalism , by...

Saw That One Coming

According to this story in IHE, Bristol Community College in Massachusetts is partnering with a for-profit provider (The Princeton Review)...

The Notebook

Is it a tool, a literary genre, or a nervous tic? Scott McLemee jots down some thoughts.

Being an Effective Administrative Spouse

Mary M. Kennedy offers her experiences as wife and teacher as a case study in partnerships for higher education leaders.

Soccer Coaches and College Professors

Soccer is much on my mind the days, as my 13 year old is beginning her season. I've come to...