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Thomas and theater; Muscle and power

I don't often read Cal Thomas's columns, but Mrs. R. does. I'm not sure why, unless it's to get her...

Definition: Canonical Literature

That which is portrayed on fake- book wallpaper.

Long Distance Mom: Tweets

For the next few weeks my two teenagers are with their dad and my contact with them is primarily digital...

Campuses and Interfaith Cooperation

The White House is looking to colleges to further one of President Obama’s key goals. Eboo Patel explains why.

If I Could Bottle That...

A few weeks ago, we went to a local photographer to get some family portraits done. Last night we went...

The Digital Native Fundamental Attribution Error

I agree with all of Arthur Levine's conclusions in "Digital Students, Industrial-Era Universities." Our course designs, teaching methods, and institutional...

Obama last night

If I tripped over a glass bottle and released a genii who would grant me a single wish, I might...

The temporal rhythm of academic life in a globalizing era

The globalization of higher education and research is associated with a wide variety of shifts and changes, many of which...