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Preparing for Dying Industries

Should a community college train people for the industries that are currently there, or for the industries that seem likely...

Recommending Kamenetz's DIY U Book

Dean Dad gave it a lukewarm review, but I say to stop whatever you are doing and go and order...

Sum ... Sum ... Summertime

I love summertime. Not because I get summers off -- I'm a twelve-month employee, and many of my campus-improvement projects...

Has Anyone Ever Kicked the Printing Habit?

Hello. My name is Josh Kim, and I'm a printer. I print everything. I print meeting agendas and notes. I...

Framing the Conversation on Research Universities

The future of leading public institutions is too important to be left to individual states, writes John B. Simpson.

My First Year

Stephanie M. Foote considers lessons she's learned since finishing grad school.

Taxi Medallions and Midwestern Zombies

Credit where credit is due: this story suggests that the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association -- the...

Math Geek Mom: On not sitting it out

Labor economists have an interesting way of looking at leisure time, and it should not come as a surprise to...