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Should Our Students Study Chinese?

Reports bemoan the lack of language proficiency, but businesses and students may be telling us something different, John V. Lombardi argues.

Necessary Evils

A new book by Marouf Hasian analyzes the arguments for and against military tribunals. Scott McLemee listens in.

Saying No

Hugo Schwyzer write about the worst part of a new semester: turning away students from classes that are full.

The Žižek Effect

Scott McLemee talks with Astra Taylor about her documentary on the theoretical wildman of the Balkans.

Teaching a Disaster

Anthea Butler explores why and how she will add material on Katrina to her courses on black religion and on fundamentalism.

The Outsourcing Solution

Colleges could cut their costs (and, in turn, their prices) by letting companies perform some non-academic functions, James A. Boyle says.

White-Collar Hell

Scott McLemee interviews Barbara Ehrenreich about the professional-managerial class, psychobabble and the desperate hunger of adjunct professors.

A Poor Desk-Side Manner

Shari Wilson explores the all-too-common ways that some instructors frustrate their students.