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The New Math

A new book offers guidance to the aspiring mathematician. Scott McLemee has a look.

The Un-Retiring

What happens when a chair never moves on? A professor explores life in such a department.

Public and Private: What's the Difference?

American colleges and universities, especially those that define themselves as public institutions because they are owned by states, carry on...

Plain Talk About Plain Speech

Rob Weir announces the Society for Intellectual Clarity and the rules for its new journal.

My Friend Al Gonzales

Michael A. Olivas reflects on how faculty colleagues reacted when they learned of his connection to the attorney general whose policies he opposes.

Doing the Lord's Work

Two images of William Jennings Bryan have settled into the public memory, neither of them flattering. One is the fundamentalist...

Reforming Selective College Admissions

Deirdre Henderson offers a parent's view on fixing what she says is a broken process.

Who's Afraid of David Horowitz?

One indisputable fact about my new book The Professors is that it has upset a lot of people. Indeed a...