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Book Smarts and Basketball -- A Trend?

Brian C. Mitchell, president of Bucknell, explains why colleges like his won't long be an anomaly in big-time sports.

The Wrong Conversation

Kevin Carey writes that the hype over Ivy admissions prevents too many people from focusing on the education issues that actually affect most people.

Paradise Lost?

A new television program is accused of glorifying polygamy. As Scott McLemee discovers, the literary canon may be even more culpable.

The Time of Dead Grandmothers

Our students' excuses -- pathetic or creative -- say something meaningful both about them and about those of us who teach, writes Terry Caesar.

What We Can Expect From Students

Paula M. Krebs and Mary Krebs Flaherty -- sisters who work at very different institutions -- trade perspectives.

Genocide and the Bottom Line

Brian Thill writes that it is time for colleges to take a stand -- with their endowments -- on Sudan.

Unfair to FAIR

Roger Bowen writes that the U.S. Supreme Court's defense of military recruiters violates the rights of students and professors.