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College Students and the Confederate Flag

The tragic murders in Charleston highlight how much society has failed on issues of race, and why colleges need to consider whether they are moving beyond lip service in addressing these issues, writes Gail DiSabatino.

On Teaching the Confederacy

David C. Williard says students need help to move beyond the "heritage vs. hate" dichotomy.

Who Is Fellini?

When teaching undergraduates, it's important to remember what they don't know and to offer cues, writes Rob Weir.

The Hollow Cry of 'McCarthyism'

A.J. Caschetta responds to an essay criticizing his analysis of a professor's lecture.

Designing a Federal Ratings Tool

With the Education Department rethinking its approach to rating colleges, Tom Allison offers ideas on how best to provide data to prospective students.

Patience and Fortitude

Three years ago, the New York Public Library almost succumbed to a dubious renovation plan. Scott McLemee reports on a book about what happened next.

The Initiation

Dan Edelstein reflects on how his mentor's pedagogy helps him to this day, but the reality that he could never impose such tough love on his own students.

The Social Impact of Humanities 'Inventions'

At a time when many are questioning the value of humanities scholarship, the Supreme Court ruling on right to marriage shows the creative impact of such research, Johann Neem writes.