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The Other Leonardo

In Finding Fibonacci: The Quest to Rediscover the Forgotten Mathematical Genius Who Changed the World, Keith Devlin helps rescue a mathematician from 13th-century Italy from near total oblivion, writes Scott McLemee.

Access Denied

A group of scholars object to a decision by the University of California, Berkeley, to remove many video and audio lectures from public view as a result of a Justice Department accessibility order.

Improving on the New York Free-Tuition Plan

There is a better and simpler way for all states to achieve the goal of greater affordability within existing budget levels without imposing unreasonable requirements, argues Arthur M. Hauptman.

Petitions and the Power of Poetry

A petition at Yale University signifies that now is the time for English departments to teach new kinds of poetry -- and to teach the old kinds in new ways, writes Eric Weiskott.

University Research and the Great Mistake

Universities are caught in a privatization trap that they built themselves and that will be difficult to take apart, argues Christopher Newfield.

MOOCs Find Their Sweet Spot

There are three steps for turning MOOCs into money makers, writes Robert Ubell.

Tax Injustice

In Dirty Secrets: How Tax Havens Destroy the Economy, Richard Murphy describes how the available means of concealing assets are so highly developed that they amount to an alternative global economy, writes Scott McLemee.

The Other Retention Problem

Employers have a retention issue of their own: holding on to their workers. Employer-paid tuition programs to help workers go to college are part of the solution, writes Rachel Carlson.