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Struck by 'Lightning'

Karen Hoelscher on the conference format that's like speed dating, only instead of meeting a new person, you meet a new topic every 10 minutes -- and go home with new ideas, instead of a new partner.

The Case for Collaboration

Even in fields where it is not the norm, co-authoring papers can be a great way to learn the ropes of academic publishing, writes Eszter Hargittai.

More Work Than Pay

If your college expects you to take on 12 months of work for 9 months of pay, what's a principled response? C.K. Gunsalus reviews the choices.

Pumping on the Market

Kim Hensley Owens offers advice for nursing mothers and committees that are interviewing them.

A Full View of Faculty Jobs

Professors' careers need advancement well beyond being promoted from one rank to another, writes Kerry K. Karukstis.

Stop Admitting Ph.D. Students

Professors can help the job market if some of them refuse to accept more doctoral candidates, writes Monica J. Harris. That's what she's doing.

Assess and Adjust

Whether or not you are satisfied with what you accomplished between academic years, it's time for some self-evaluation, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

A Bleak Market

Looking for a tenure-track faculty job? You can't escape today's economic realities, writes Eliza Woolf.