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Don’t Smile Until December?

As the semester concludes, your battery may be running low. Reflect on the potential energy of humor to help you recharge, Maria Shine Stewart suggests.

Do You Measure Up?

Concluding a series, Kerry Ann Rockquemore suggests three ways to move forward.

How to Handle 'In Process' Work

When your work is under review (but not published or maybe even accepted), can you include it on a C.V.? To do so, you must be honest and consistent, writes Nate Kreuter.

The Greatest Course You’ll Ever Teach

Why become an academic leader? Elizabeth Simmons argues that it offers a unique opportunity to extend a love of teaching into novel realms.

Are You Over-Functioning?

The tasks you are doing well may be holding you back from excelling in the tasks at which you need to do well, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

Dating and Job-Hunting

Lori A. Flores writes that both activities are bound to produce some heartbreak along the way.

Writing and Procrastination

To stay productive, you need reasonable expectations and a plan for meeting them, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

Leaders for Community Colleges

Institutions are making needed changes to how they operate. Leadership also needs to evolve in the sector, writes Stewart E. Sutin.