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Taking Experiential Learning for Ph.D. Students Seriously

Many faculty members view such opportunities for grad students with raised eyebrows, and we should test whether that widespread uneasiness has merit in a more structured way, writes Edward Balleisen.

Faculty Vulnerability in the Classroom

Rachel Toor explores what can happen if you confess something real and vulnerable about yourself to your students that’s relevant to your teaching.

5 Steps New Presidents Should Take

Kathleen McCartney shares some key lessons she’s learned for handling the many challenges that college leaders must confront.

Do Extracurricular Activities Help Advance Your Career?

Nana Lee offers guidance on how to find inspiration from activities outside your main research area and make them count.

An Inconvenient Presence

Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt writes of how serving on search committees in predominantly white institutions can often be a harrowing experience for many faculty members of color.

Building a Positive Departmental Culture From the Ground Up

Karen Spierling describes her new department’s efforts to build and model productive relationships and create a space where all colleagues are explicitly valued, included and respected.

Accommodating Stress: Coping With Student Requests

How can instructors be fair and responsive yet, at the same time, not be taken advantage of? Regan A. R. Gurung offers some guidance.

How to Advance Mental Health Diversity in Graduate Training

Ashley Ransom, Adam Anderson and Eve De Rosa present five strategies academic advisers can use to work together with students to produce the most meaningful and impactful work.