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Just Go to Bed

To lead the life of the mind, one requires sufficient rest, writes Nate Kreuter.

Leaders for Small Colleges

W. Kent Barnds considers the skills that may be particularly needed during a period of dramatic change in higher education.

Finding the Right Context

Placing your work in the appropriate scholarly context is key not only to publishing, but to your career advancement, writes Eszter Hargittai.

If You’re Perfect, Don’t Read This

Practice makes perfect? Not necessarily. Life on campus brings its share of mistakes, Maria Shine Stewart admits.

What 'Counts'?

Ruth Starkman considers how departments are (and should be) considering digital scholarship -- and what young scholars should know about how their work will be evaluated.

Starting Out in Student Affairs

Josh Milstein considers the transition from a graduate program to the first job.

The Toughest Class You’ll Ever Take

Why become an academic leader? Elizabeth Simmons contends that it enables you to extend your love of learning into a new arena.

Don't Sweat the 4/4

People starting their academic careers shouldn't write off jobs at teaching-intensive colleges, writes Melanie Springer Mock.