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Why Is Change So Difficult?

Patrick Sanaghan, Mary Hinton and Steve Riccio consider why it is so hard to shift institutions -- and strategies for building support to do just that.

Gay at a Christian College

A faculty member describes the choice of staying in the closet or losing a job.

Pre-Tenure Leadership

Early career faculty should demonstrate leadership through projects that also advance their teaching and research programs, Elizabeth Simmons writes.

Making Yourself 'Fit'

At teaching-oriented colleges, a search committee will be focused on how candidates match institutional values, not just their C.V.s, writes Melanie Springer Mock.

Building Your E-Village

Sometimes grad students need more support than they can find on campus, writes Rachel Leventhal-Weiner.

Writing High

Jane Haladay reflects on productivity gained when flying -- and the distractions that complicate life on the ground.

Being Replaced

The time comes eventually for most professors: watching a tryout for an eventual successor. Lezlie Laws considers the implications for herself and her institution.

First-Generation Faculty

David Beard considers how coming from a family where people didn't go to college influences the way he interacts with his colleagues.