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Shot of woman from behind as she walks up staircase into the light of an open door

Advice for Aspiring and New Deans

Jenny Darroch offers five tips on how to start the search process, what questions to ask and, if you get the job, how to set yourself and the institution up for success.

Woman sits at a desk with a laptop looking at an instructor gesturing at a board

Adjunct Instructors Deserve Training

They are key contributors to student educational success, yet relatively few receive adequate professional development, write Anna Conway and Thomas J. Tobin.

Pale gray hall with five white doors that look exactly the same

A Mistake to Avoid in Leadership Searches

Annmarie Caño questions the pervasive view that the best candidate for a job is someone who has held the same title at another institution.

Man holds ladder for woman climbing up blocks with an arrow behind them pointing upward

The Multiple Benefits of Career Coaches

They can help you articulate your career goals and develop a personalized road map for achieving work-life satisfaction, write Mabel Perez-Oquendo and Lindsey Cauthen.

Accepted with an asterisk written in white letters on a black background

A Guide for First-Generation, Working-Class Graduate Students

Lauren Harvey offers advice for those who feel like they’re straddling two worlds: one where they’re unsure they belong and another where their upward mobility is not understood.

Roll of $100 bills with Ben Franklin peering out with a graduation mortarboard on his head

New Regulations Will Impact Graduate Enrollment

L. Maren Wood predicts four consequences of the U.S. Department of Education’s efforts to hold institutions accountable for their programs’ costs and alumni career outcomes.

Two women and one man stand in a pot with plants while a hand above pours water from a watering can on them

What Leadership Programs Should Offer

Jacob J. Ryder, C. K. Gunsalus, Elizabeth A. Luckman and Nicholas C. Burbules describe the combination of practical tools and principled grounding that is key to creating successful experiences.

Man standing at podium in front of a crowd of heads without faces fading into background

Crafting Institutional Statements Amid Conflict

They offer the choice between unity and division while underlining the responsibility of administrators to uphold core values and foster inclusivity, writes La’Nita Johnson.