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MOOCs and the End of Courses?

The Game of Thrones effect and why George Siemens gets this one wrong.

I Think a MacArthur Genius Is Wrong About 'Grit'

The development of "grit" as a key to success is a popular theory among education reformers. I think it tells a very limited story.

When All Else Fails

Reflections in the wake of a brutal academic job market


A disappointing critique of higher ed (or at least part of it).

What We Talked About at the EdX Meeting

The discussion comes back to campus learning.

Too Many Tabs

Too many deadlines. Too many issues.

Be Careful What You Wish For

If Minister Pyne wants several Australian universities to be in the world’s top 50, he should recommend a vast increase in federal funding to higher education.

May: Rebooting

I can now say with relative certainty how many tweets it takes to get a job through Twitter.