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Bad Female Academic: More Money, Please

I'm a Bad Female Academic for daring to aspire to earn what I am worth and hopefully reform higher education at the same time.

Building Momentum: An Introvert’s Story

My word of the year was going to be “joy” but after a month of reflection, what I really want to focus on is building momentum. How do I build momentum while not changing my job, my location, or returning to school?

Philip Altbach: China Has Right Approach to Foreign Collaboration

Observers note that there is increased scrutiny of foreign academic initiatives in China. There has been some dissatisfaction with unfulfilled promises and poor quality by some foreign providers. Municipal and provincial authorities, often enthusiastically luring foreign institutions, sometimes turn a blind eye to issues of quality, and it is possible that corrupt practices might be involved.

Is Lesson Learned Lesson Applied?

Drones. Both of my boys are inveterate video game players, so I am long familiar with them. When Nikko was...

Guardedly Optimistic

At last week’s breakfast meeting with all the department chairs and deans, I talked about the enrollment situation for this semester and this year. A substantial increase in the freshmen class, strong quality indicators, and some of the best retention numbers in our history make for a very positive picture. And a Presidential Debate on our campus next fall, further helps enhance the forecast for next year’s entering class.

Men Teaching Woman-Oriented Courses

The controversy about Hugo Schwyzer has raised a more general question: Is there a place for men (not just Schwyzer himself, but any men, no matter how enlightened and sympathetic) in women's studies courses?

What’s New at University of Venus? 18 February 2012

What’s New at UVenus: ● UVenus was mentioned in 109 Low, The Newsletter of the Graduate School of Arts &...

Ed-Tech: Always on the Horizon

A look at the 2012 Horizon Report and some thoughts about how the metaphor of "the horizon" -- always moving beyond reach -- works so well for ed-tech.