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OER Textbook Startup Sued By Publishers For Copyright Infringement

OER textbook startup Boundless Learning is being sued for copyright infringement by Pearson, Cengage, and Macmillan. While the startup says that it's using openly licensed content to build its free textbooks, the publishers contend that the startup is copying topics, sub-topics, layouts and the like.

Tear Gas? Really?

There must be something in the water in California. A few months ago, the world saw the viral video of campus police tear gassing protesters at a UC campus. This week, students at Santa Monica College -- a community college -- were tear gassed when trying to enter a public meeting to protest the proposed two-tier tuition plan outlined here.

College: As It Was, Is, and Should Be – The Talk

One of the best aspects of working on a college campus is the enormous number of opportunities to hear knowledgeable people talk about interesting topics. Usually for free. Tonight was one of those opportunities.

Minerva Project: Positioning and EdTech Questions

This week we learned about the newest player in the online higher ed for-profit space, the Minerva Project. Check out Audrey's blog post and and Doug's article for some good background and discussion about Minerva.

Practicing Vulnerability: Are We Wholehearted?

In June of 2010, Brené Brown gave an amazing TED talk on vulnerability. When I first watched her talk, I realized that she had articulated the way that I try to live my life -- professionally and personally. Brown emphasized the concept of "wholeheartedness" and how it relates to vulnerability.

Long Distance Mom: Saving Birds

Since I have been traveling to film festivals and accompanying students on spring break trips, I have not seen my teenagers for almost three weeks — a situation that makes my eyes start to twitch after a while. I need to communicate to my kids (and to myself) a justification for this lengthy separation from them.

Is Yale a Reliable Partner for the National University of Singapore?

Yale University's approach to its partnership with the National University of Singapore (NUS) to establish an undergraduate liberal arts college in the country is flawed and ill-conceived in ways that call into question Yale’s ability to be a responsible long-term partner for Singapore and its national university.

A New "Elite University" Gets $25 Million in Seed Funding

The Minerva Project announced $25 million in seed funding today from Benchmark Capital, promising to found the first "elite university" in the U.S. in over a century. The university -- online and for-profit -- has some big names on its advisory board. But can it actually live up to this big vision and promise (and investment)?