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Why Aren't Our Students Angrier?

First off, let me thank Paul Haeder for his extended comment on a recent post. My heart is definitely in synch with the position he expresses, although my head is convinced that trying to sell sustainability by direct frontal assault won't work (indeed, hasn't worked). And expanding on that heart-vs-head thing . .

Assessing Internationalization of Degree Programs — a Dutch-Flemish Pilot

Internationalization has become an indicator for quality in higher education. The growing importance of internationalization in higher education on the one hand and the diversity in rationales, approaches and strategies of institutions and programmes on the other hand, call for an assessment of the quality of internationalization and the realisation of a system of certifications to define the progress and status of the internationalization at the programme and institutional levels.

Guest Review by Thomas E. Kennedy of Duff Brenna's "Murdering the Mom"

Old friend of The Education of Oronte Churm, Duff Brenna has a new novel out that's worth your attention.

Gradhacking Pinterest

Pinterest is the latest social media network to hit the interwebs, and has done so with a flurry. The tool itself is simple: when you find something you think is interesting, you "pin" it to a topical Pinterest board that you have created. This reveals a collection of "pins" about different topics or themes. For the most part, its early success has been linked to shopping: people create boards that include fashion items they want to get, ideas for their wedding, interior design, or recipes and food they'd like to eat. Pinterest is heavily visual, so these types of objects are tailor-made for "pinning".

Sustainable Grading

I've turned into a grading machine.

I Am an Academic's Computer

Why does she have to hit my keys so hard and so fast? It’s as if her brain is running to break the Olympic record in Academic Writing, or as if she would forget her next thought if she waited one more second to write the last one (to be honest from the way she looks so blankly at my screen from time to time, I sometimes think this is the case; she forgets what she’s going to write because obviously her brain is faster than her fingers).

One Course at a Time

A few years ago, my college started a January intersession in which students take a single course for two weeks. It was a runaway hit; enrollments have grown every year, course completion rates have hovered around 90 -- off the charts by community college standards -- and faculty feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

E-Mail Fails

What are some of the dumb things you have done with e-mail?