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Go Have an Adventure

Although I’m the same age my mother was when she packed me off to college, I’m still a long way from knowing what it will feel like to send my own children out into the big, wide world. I appreciate the wisdom of my fellow bloggers who write about their experiences with college-aged kids. Even though my oldest is only ten, I get little hints every now and then of what it might be like to see him off on a life adventure.

(Not) Using Data for Decisions

Campus leaders report that their institutions do not make effective use of data to aid and inform planning and decision-making.

Letters from Macedonia III

UF architecture prof Charlie Hailey at the National and University Library of Kosova.

Vimeo, Captioning, and Social Media

On 1/18 Eric Stoller wrote about the lack of a captioning option on the Vimeo web video platform.

Get Smarter

New Year’s resolution: get smarter. I do not like this quasi-obsession with making promises for new beginnings whenever January 1 shows its face on the first page of a new calendar. I do not think they last, these attempts to become a new person in a new year. Most of the classical New Year resolutions die out about the time we do not have to think twice before dating correctly our correspondence.

Even More Distraction Free Writing Tools

One of the first things that I tell my first-year writing students at the beginning of the semester is that writing is hard, and that anyone who says it’s easy is a liar. That might be a bit of an exaggeration, but as Trent stated in a previous post, writing can be difficult for the even best among us. Here are some more distraction-free writing tools that I’ve found helpful for composing just about anything.

Debates in Digital Humanities: Openness and Trust

It's not a debate within DH, but a debate between DH and the rest of the academic establishment: openness and trust.

College Credentials: Will a Letter From Sebastian Thrun's New Startup "Count"?

Yesterday, Stanford University professor Sebastian Thrun announced his resignation and plans instead to focus on his online learning startup Udacity. Thrun taught the wildly popular Artificial Intelligence class last fall, and he now says "I can’t teach at Stanford again." What are the implications on the ongoing disruptions to the universities' (near) monopoly over credentialing? What does it mean when a professor sees his brand as stronger than a university's?