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Publishing Your Presentations Online

I had worked for weeks on my first conference paper. I had received comments from multiple faculty members, and rehearsed it in front of friends. I had the slides perfectly lined up with the text, and had inserted just enough animations to emphasize my points, but not take away from the entire presentation. I felt ready. I was nervous. I was anxious. I spent the first three days of the conference worried about the presentation. What if no one liked it? What if my computer crashed? And then the time came, and I stood in front of a nearly empty room and gave my presentation.

Accidental Productivity

Work doesn’t always look like work. Over the last week, I’ve had a couple of long, meandering conversations with professors as they’ve returned for the Spring. One was completely spontaneous, and the other was a focused discussion that quickly and thoroughly overran its purpose. They were the kinds of discussions that can only happen before the crush of classes gets fully under way -- deadlines aren’t looming yet, students aren’t hunting them yet, and everybody is still relatively well-rested. It’s a brief window.

Out With the Old?

What assumptions about our industry do you think need updating?

Democracy on the local level

Our local school board, of which I am vice president, recently held an open town hall meeting. The meeting was very well attended and the individuals present represented a broad spectrum of local opinion.

More on Indentured Servitude

I had intended to write this week's post about Patrick Witt. However, as I was sitting in my office on Friday, trying, on a brief break, to reconcile the newspaper reports with the very different story in his press release, a supervisee arrived for her scheduled session, sat down and burst into tears. "I can't do this anymore," she said.

What’s New at University of Venus? 28 January 2012

What’s New at UVenus: Afshan Jafar for University of Venus at The Guardian UK with Consumerism in higher education: the...

Meeting of New Faculty Majority

Inside Higher Ed will be blogging live from the first national meeting of the New Faculty Majority.