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University of Venus - English as the Academic Lingua Franca

I am writing this short text from a computer whose keyboard settings are not English but Icelandic, a language with...

Technology and Learning - An Open Model for Vendor Collaboration

Last week I participated in a type of web meeting that I hope becomes the norm for academic / vendor...

Student Affairs and Technology - Are We Ready To Support Online Learners?

Student affairs practitioners have often used the perceived diminishment of face-to-face contact as a rationale against implementing certain forms of...

A Supposedly Fun Thing I'd Probably, To My Surprise, Do Again

The Army ROTC cadets down by the goalposts didn’t look particularly happy their team was winning. After each conversion they...

Living room

I was reading about some real estate in Italy. A bit north of Rome, including the southern portion of Tuscany...

3 Reasons To Read "Now You See It"

3 reasons to read Cathy Davidson's Now You See It: How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way...

First Tastes

The Boy is starting fifth grade, as hard as it is for me to process that. In our district, fifth...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Feminism and Baking

At the beginning of the school year I let a lot of things slide. I let the listserv email pile...