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Get Busy Doing

Letting my students actually do things in my class, rather than just sit and listen.

When He Trumps She

I spent the day grading my midterms, never a fun task. Usually I get into a vague kind of automaton state; as I read for key phrases, look for definitions and the critical use of concepts, and references to key authors and guest speakers. Check, check, check, grade. But this time, I noticed a pattern that I’m sure I’ve seen before but just ignored. It is the gendered attribution that says so much about how students view “authority” (in the author sense) in academia.

Are You Reading "Steve Jobs"?

Raise your (virtual) hand (maybe through DISQUS comments) if you are reading (or have read) Isaacson's Steve Jobs.


About a week ago one of my earliest students was appointed superintendent of a very important neighboring school district. He...

Yet More on Rape Culture on Campus

I have been to State College, PA, exactly once in my life, and then it was to visit friends in a Quaker retirement community there. I don't know anyone who currently attends Penn State.

Sign of the Times

Somewhere, a provost is feeling a little naked.

Regulatory Language in Vendor Contracts Revisited

Call a lawyer today! That is more or less why I have come to D.C. for the NACUA conference on compliance for the last couple of days. I wanted to hone in on what, precisely, the legal language would be in a vendor contract to address the need that higher education has to protect its institutional information and take advantage of selective cloud providers of transmission and storage services.