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When You've Got It, You've Got It

The Girl's birthday is coming up, and we're at a loss for ideas for presents, so the whole group piled...

Findings from the Road

There is a heaven after all Studies find that fast food tastes best when eaten by tropical crows

8 Things

I'm not usually one for memes, but having been tagged by both Dr. Pion and Lesboprof, here goes. I have...

Ask the Administrator: Job-Hunting While Pregnant

A new correspondent writes: ------ I'm wondering if you or your readers can shed any light on the issue of...

Freezing in Florida

This is part three in what has become a series. Last year, the University of Florida attempted to come to...

Ask the Administrator: CC Teaching Loads

A returning correspondent writes: ------- In my CC system, faculty members can teach a 5-5 or a 4-4 load. If...

Scenes From a Vacation

And...we're back. A few vignettes from the last week: The Girl was so happy that she started each morning with...

Scathing Online Schoolmarm

A vain man struggles with the threat to his self-importance that student evaluations represent. His writing, in the New York...