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Featured Gig: Assistant/Associate Director of Teaching Development at Sacred Heart University

Another installment of a new series about the best alternative academic jobs in higher ed.

How Eloquence Became a Thing of the Past

The death of eloquence, oratory and verbal expressiveness and how to reverse this troubling trend.

AI Reshapes Higher Ed and Society at Large by 2035

There are important steps to be taken in higher education as we prepare for the deep societywide changes that will take place in the next five to 10 years.

Distracted Minds

How the digital economy distracts us.

The Time for Transfer Change Is Now

A look at how the California Community Colleges–California State University Transfer Collaborative helps students.

How to Engage Students in Difficult Conversations When Consensus Is Impossible

Strategies for fostering understanding, empathy and respect in academic discussions.

Unscripted Lives

Navigating life beyond traditional scripts.