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Macs, PCs and the Failure of the Web App

Two years ago I would have bet that the Mac/PC divide would have lost its salience by now. I thought...

Being Wrong About My Laptop-Only Office

I'm in the middle of Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error , by Kathryn Schulz, so everything I...

Advice for LTL 2010 Participants

The EDUCAUSE Institute Learning Technology Leadership Program 2010 starts today in Portland. As a 2009 Burlington alumni of LTL I'd...

(Ed Tech) Work as a Luxury Good

A classic thought experiment. If you won the lottery today, would you go to work tomorrow? I'm betting that if...

Solving the Proximity Problem?

Have you figured out any methods for mitigating the proximity problem? This problem is particularly acute in higher education, where...

Am I Wrong About Vendor Webinars?

I love being wrong in this space. It is much better to be wrong here than in my day job...

Clay Shirky's Next Book

Dear Clay Shirky, Please make the subject of your next book higher education. I loved Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity...

Basecamp, E-mail and Projects

Will we ever get beyond e-mail as the main tool to manage our project communications? Everyone I know believes that...