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7 Things the Surface Tablet Must Do to Bridge the Online Education Platform Gap

Are any of you planning to buy Microsoft's new Surface tablet? Which model interests you more, the Surface with Windows RT or the Surface with Windows 8 Pro?

The Cloud, Canvas, and Hurricane Sandy

Will this major weather event provide evidence for the resilience or the fragility of our postsecondary systems, which are increasingly reliant on power and bandwidth to operate?

An Economist Short Book: "In Gold We Trust?"

Is the Economist getting into the concise non-fiction e-book business? Will the Economist be the latest organization to trade on its brand and stable of thought leaders to challenge traditional publishers with an e-book only strategy?

"Red Ink": The Book Every Student Should Read Before the Election

What is your vote for the book that you think every student on your campus should read before the election?

4 Reasons Why iPad Mini Might Hit the EDU Sweet Spot

I have never been a huge fan of the iPad. Too expensive. Too heavy. Too limited. Maybe good for watching videos, but not great for reading. And don't get me started on the problems with typing on the thing.

Edmodo and the Amazon Web Services Outage

If I ran an edtech company the first thing that I'd do is move all of our infrastructure to Amazon's Web Services (AWS).

7 Questions for McGraw-Hill's Brian Kibby

Brian Kibby is president of McGraw-Hill Higher Education This e-mail interview was inspired by his 8/3/12 IHE Views piece "Digital Deadline". What I found interesting is Kibby's willingness to make strong statements in print, namely that in 36 months higher ed should be completely digital.

For-Profit Higher Ed and the MOOC Opportunity

A colleague sent me a note today wondering if the news of for-profit EDU financial difficulties and the concurrent rise of the massively open online courses (MOOCs) are related. Correlation or causality?