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Technology and Grading Experiments

I don't want to push my opinion too much about Cathy Davidson's grading experiments at Duke. Not that I don't...

'It's a catastrophe. Relax!'

So Nobel laureate Michael Beard assures us all of the the inevitability and consequences of global warming, in Ian McEwan's...

Thoughts on Apple, Flash, Connect Pro and Adobe

Check out Steve Jobs' open letter on why Apple does not allow Flash on its mobile devices. Jobs gives a...

From Consuming to Producing

The thing that sticks with me from my Ph.D. program was being told that the difference between an undergraduate and...

Some Takeaways From 'This Book is Overdue'

I'm dying to book club This Book Is Overdue!: How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All, maybe we can...

Vacation Observations

--Kindles Are Everywhere: People seem to love to read on these things on the beach and at the pool. Mostly...

Book Publishers' Regrets in 2025

In 2025, when book publishers look back to try to understand why their business became first disintermediated and then displaced...

This Book Is Overdue

Hope you will consider joining me and reading This Book Is Overdue!: How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All...