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The LMS and Video Blogging When?

Video blogging and the LMS seem like they should go together naturally. Like bagels and cream cheese, the combination is...

A Phoenix Future?

By Phoenix I'm referring to both the city and the university (U of P). Ask this question of Richard Florida...

The Missing Feature From Office 2010

One button voice-over recording, encoding in the cloud, and publishing to multiple Web platforms. That is what is missing in...

Take Your Learning Technologist to School Day

I recently had the privilege of my work as a learning technologist being profiled in the Upper Valley at Work...

10 Questions for Discussing Menand

This week, faculty and staff at my institution will be getting together to discuss Louis Menand's The Marketplace of Ideas...

Law, Order

Education Sector, an "independent think tank that challenges conventional thinking in education policy" has just published an excellent research article...

What Would You Ask an Academic Librarian?

This Thursday (5/20 3:00pm EST) I'm participating in a Webinar entitled "Everything Librarians and Learning Technologists Wanted to Know About...

Is TED Making Us Stupid?

I'm not trying to pay homage to Nicholas Carr and his new book The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing...