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Laptop Requirements and the Downside of Choice

Us learning technologist believe in choice. We push for educational content to "just work" on whatever screen our learners may...

The Digital Native Fundamental Attribution Error

I agree with all of Arthur Levine's conclusions in "Digital Students, Industrial-Era Universities." Our course designs, teaching methods, and institutional...

Scarcity and Course Design

I'm reading Clay Shirky's amazing new book Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age (have you downloaded it...

ScreenFlow + YouTube = Quick/Robust Feedback

I've become enamored with tools that allow us to have rich, non-text based, communications with our students. If these tools...

Jing For Student Authoring

Have you thought about having your students create voice-over presentations to share with your class? Instead of (or in addition...

iPhone 4: Don't Want, Will Buy

3 Reasons Why I Don't Want an iPhone 4: 1. Design: I love my Pantech Breeze, a phone that CNET...

Can Symtext Disrupt the Textbook Market?

It is not everyday that I recommend that you invest your precious time to go and read a vendor whitepaper...

Closing the Idea-to-Curriculum Gap

One advantage of learning technology is it can help us close the gap between and idea and curriculum. When I...