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‘The New Megatrends’ and the University of 2038

Permanent understaffing and other questions about the future of higher ed.

How Malcolm Gladwell Could Enable a Campus Conversation of ‘I Hate the Ivy League’

Inspired by listening to the book, a brainstorm to provide free access to everyone with an .edu email.

3 Things I Learned at the RNL National Conference

On newbie conferencing, shared challenges and known unknowns.

3 Questions About the Scaled Online iMBA

A conversation with colleagues at the University of Illinois.

Is Hybrid Academic Work Doomed?

Reflecting on Ian Bogost’s Atlantic article.

Questions for Kaplan’s Dientje Francis-Lawrence

Speaking with Kaplan’s global head and VP of partnership growth and transformation.

Dead Malls and Future Campuses

Thoughts on Meet Me by the Fountain: An Inside History of the Mall.